A photo exhibition of the life of Pier Paolo Pasolini, one of Rome’s most remarkable intellectual artistic voices of the last century, will be held at the WeGil center in Trastevere.
“Pasolini – Non mi lascio commuovere dalle fotografie” (I’m not moved by photographs) began on the centenary of his birth on May 20, 2022, and will last until Sunday, July 10.
Curated by Marco Minuz and Roberto Carnero, the images trace through from his early childhood in Friuli to his remarkable career as a poet and public intellectual-cum-internationally-acclaimed filmmaker, and finally to his shocking 1975 death and subsequent memorialization.
Described in the exhibit as “one of the most photographed public figures of his time,” Pasolini was at various times a poet, a journalist, a political commentator, a playwright, and a filmmaker, who gained equal parts acclaim and notoriety for his uncompromising Marxist politics and his frank treatment of taboo subject matters.
Traces Of Pasolini In Today’s Rome

The some 160 photographs, documents, and archival materials portray Pasolini in his many varied elements, at all stages of his life and beyond. Different sections center different components of the man – Pasolini as director, Pasolini as Roman, Pasolini as specimen, Pasolini as style icon, even Pasolini as footballer. It comprises photos from over thirty different photographers and archives.
Often flanked by other luminaries like Maria Callas, Alberto Moaravia, Federico Fellini, Marcello Mastroianni and Dacia Maraini, Pasolini forever cut a striking figure in his signature black sunglasses atop an enigmatic face.

“Throughout his life, [Pasolini] always offered great willingness to be photographed, even in private moments in his life. The enormous amount of photographic material dedicated to the figure of him testifies to this,” writes WeGli.
The exhibition is free of charge, though donations are recommended. The venue is wheelchair-accessible.

Till July 10, 2022
We Gil
Largo Ascianghi, 5 (Trastveere)
Everyday 10am – 7pm
free entrance