The most famous contemporary circus show arrives in Rome
The Circus is is town! And it is a very special one: Le Cirque World’s Top Performers is infact the largest circus company in Europe. The show is an incredible opportunity to admire the best circus artists of the moment, together for the first time in an unprecedented show. Acrobats, jugglers, clowns, singers and musicians will take turns on stage for almost two hours, taking the spectators on a suggestive, imaginary, amazing journey, infused with echoes of fantasy literature from the late 19th century, such as Lewis Carrol’s, the famous author of the novel Alice in Wonderland.

The show will be held at Palazzo dello Sport in EUR district for only 4 days, from 4 to 8 of January 2023: don’t miss the chance to get your tickets to enjoy an unforgettable experience!
4-8 January
Palazzo dello Sport – Piazzale Pier Luigi Nervi, 1
Opening times: 4.30pm-9pm
Tickets: € 28