In addition to its the abundance of glorious fountains, piazzas, and churches, Rome is the home of a burgeoning Contemporary Street Art movement that has turned the streets of Rome into a place for cultural and artistic dialogue. 999 Contemporary Gallery and M.U.Ro (Museo di Urban Art of Rome) are two art organizations that specialize in the creation and promotion of street art in Rome.
Quadraro Neighborhood
Founded in 2010 by artist David “Diavù” Vecchiatto as an urban art organization, is dedicated to showcasing art on the walls and streets of Rome.’s primary focus has been creating works in the Quadraro neighborhood, and its collection of 21 works by famous international street artists is currently on display and free of charge. You can discover the beautiful street art murals murals during their walking tours or during street art bike passeggiata. Curating works that are site- specific and community-specific, has ensured that the art work, its urban canvas and physical location vibe with the spirit of the neighborhood.

999 Contemporary
Via Ostiense, 110D (Ostiense)
999 contemporary gallery was founded as a gallery and an open-air, street art movement to promote the diffusion of contemporary urban art in public, free spaces. One of their more prominent works, “Jumping Wolf,” can be seen in Testaccio, and many more are visible in Ostiense ( see website and map of works for details). Off the literal streets, but in the same street-art vein, the Popping Club, 999’s new “pit stop” in Monti, has devoted a special exhibit entitled “the pitiless gaze of realism” to portraits created by international street artists.

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