
Assist a refugee in Rome

Sponsor a Refugee


The JNRC is the only drop-in center in Rome that feeds, clothes, teaches, and gives legal guidance to about 200 refugees and asylum seekers every day. ​Give a truly meaningful gift this holiday season.

The Secret Gardens of the Vatican

The Secret Gardens of the Vatican


Discover the secret backyard of a Swiss Guard through “Jo’s Backyard Tour” – an intimate 2-hour tour for maximum 10 people to experience the beauty of the Catholic Church from behind the Vatican walls.

the roman nightmare

The Roman Nightmare


I’m not talking about the obvious Lungotevere jams and the dreaded Roman rush hour. The worst part of driving in Rome – my friend – is the parking spot.

la rinascente rome

La Rinascente


La Rinascente, Rome’s luxury department store, has now opened in the Eternal City’s historic center, footsteps away from the Trevi Fountain.