In the exhibition areas of Galleria d’ Arte Moderna forty 900’s masterpieces of Fondazione Magnani Rocca in Parma are set next to the works of the Capitoline collection, according to consonances and formal inspirations, subjects and figurative schemes. The authors’ identity, as well as the period involved in the selection – from the Twenties until the Sixties in the Twentieth century – offers the occasion for new dialogues among the artists of the two collections, allowing a different and detailed study, sometimes unexpected, for the Italian cultural environment, from the metaphysical space of Giorgio de Chirico to the informal researches of Alberto Burri.

Edited by Galleria d’ Arte Moderna and Fondazione Magnani Rocca, the event allows to present the Roman visitors many of the masterpieces of Luigi Magnani’s collection, founder of the museum in Parma, also rich in world-famous ancient works from Dürer to Tiziano, from Goya to Canova, underlying the value and cultural prestige that in the Twentieth century characterized Luigi Magnani’s figure, patron and learned collector who, for a long time, lived in the capital; this phase in the exhibition is emphasized by a documentary section.
There are several elements in common between the works of Fondazione Magnani and the Capitoline collection – thanks to the flourishing season of acquisitions in the first half of the Twentieth century in the most important national events, starting from the Quadriennale – to continuously testify tendencies and developments of the Italian Art, especially the period between the two world wars.

Giorgio De Chirico
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY, USA
Anguish of Departure, the masterpiece of Giorgio de Chirico, one of the “pearls” of Magnani’s collection, can be compared to some of the works of the Roman collection with formal elements and metaphysical speculations references; the precious collection of Giorgio Morandi and Filippo De Pisis in Parma, mostly collected by Luigi Magnani, is compared to some works of Galleria d’ Arte Moderna that, in the same years, could express the formal research carried out on the subject of still life by several Italian artists.
There are several references and involve first class artists, from Marino Marini to Giacomo Manzù, from Ettore Colla to Leoncillo, from Mafai to Scialoja, from Gino Severini to Alberto Savinio, only to quote some authors of about one hundred works in the exhibition. The selection is completed by some works coming from MACRO and the Casa Museo Alberto Moravia and the exhibition is concluded in the The Graphic Arts room with a huge number of etchings by Giorgio Morandi. Musical references reminding the great passion of Luigi Magnani, musicologist and composer as well as lover of visual arts, enrich the exhibition.
Till 13 March 2016
Galleria d’Arte Moderna
Via Francesco Crispi, 24
Tue–Sun: 10:00am–6:30pm
Last admission 1 hour before closing time.
Adults: € 7,50
Concessions: € 6,50
Roman Citizens only (by showing a valid ID) :
– Adults: € 6,50;
– Concessions: € 5,50